

A place where you can experience art and enhance your sensibility

私たち「御宿鷹柳」は1991年と2000年に牟礼町と庵治町が合同で開催した「The International Stone Sculpture Symposium」にて世界各国のアーティストを受け入れ、各国の文化に触れながら約40日間に渡り彼らの生活と活動をサポート致しました。

・あじ竜王山公園 など

In 1991 and 2000, Mure and Aji Towns jointly held the "International Stone Sculpture Symposium," where we hosted artists from around the world and supported their lives and activities for about 40 days while experiencing the cultures of each country. You can see their works not only in our hotel, but also in the neighboring facilities. You can also view materials from the symposium so that you can prepare in advance before viewing the works.

○The facilities where you can view the artworks.
・Sekisho-no-sato(Stone culture) park
・Genpei no Sato Mure
・Aji Ryuouzan park etc.



・香川県庁舎・・・丹下健三 設計
・船の体育館・・・丹下健三 設計
・高松空港・・・イサムノグチ(Time & Space)、ジョージナカシマ
・四国ミウゼアム・・・安藤忠雄 設計、川添 善行 設計、流政之 作品
・丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館・・・谷口吉生 設計
・東山魁夷せとうち美術館・・・谷口吉生 設計
・直島地中美術館・・・安藤忠雄 設計  など

A town loved by artists,Kagawa Prefecture

In Mure Town and Aji Town, traditional processing techniques for Aji stone, as well as everyday folk tools that have been handed down and used among people for a long time, such as those from the Sanuki Mingu Ren (Sanuki Folk Tools Association), are being rejuvenated in more refined new forms. This movement merges deeply with art, and with the support of artisans, overseas artists such as Isamu Noguchi and George Nakashima have become active in Kagawa Prefecture, leaving behind many works.

○Facilities where you can see representative works
・Kagawa Prefectural Office Building: designed by Kenzo Tange
・Ship's Gymnasium : designed by Kenzo Tange
・Takamatsu Airport: Isamu Noguchi (Time & Space), George Nakashima(Furniture for the second floor rest area)
・Shikoku Museam : designed by Tadao Ando, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Masayuki Nagare
・Marugame Guenichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art : designed by Yoshio Taniguchi
・Higashiyama Kaii Setouchi Art Museum : designed by Yoshio Taniguchi
・Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum
・Masayuki Nagare Studio
・George Nakashima Memorial hall
・Naoshima Chichu Art Museum : designed by Tadao Ando, etc.


瀬戸内国際芸術祭(Setouchi Triennale)は、香川県を中心に瀬戸内海の島々で開催される国際的な芸術祭です。この芸術祭は、現代アートや建築を瀬戸内海の美しい自然環境と共に展示し、地域振興や国際的な文化交流を促進することを目的としています。主な特徴やポイントは以下の通りです。

  • ・島々のアート展示: 瀬戸内国際芸術祭では、瀬戸内海に点在する島々で様々なアート作品が展示されます。これにより、訪れる人々は美しい自然環境とアートを同時に楽しむことができます。
  • ・アート作品の多様性: 国内外のアーティストが参加し、様々なメディアやスタイルで表現されたアート作品が展示されます。彫刻、インスタレーションアート、パフォーマンスアートなどが含まれます。
  • ・島へのアクセス: 芸術祭では、島々へのアクセスが充実しており、定期船や特別チャーター船が運航されます。これにより、様々な島を回ることができ、アートと自然を堪能できます。
  • ・三つのエリア: 芸術祭は主に「豊島地区」「直島地区」「小豆島地区」の3つのエリアに分かれています。それぞれのエリアで異なるアート作品やイベントが開催されます。


A globally acclaimed atrs festival

Setouchi Triennale is an international art festival held in Kagawa Prefecture and other islands of the Seto Inland Sea. The purpose of this art festival is to promote regional development and international cultural exchange by exhibiting contemporary art and architecture along with the beautiful natural environment of the Seto Inland Sea. The main features and points of interest are as follows

  • Art Exhibitions on Islands: At the Setouchi Triennale, various artworks will be exhibited on islands scattered throughout the Seto Inland Sea. This allows visitors to enjoy the beauty of the natural environment and art at the same time.
  • The Setouchi Triennale features a wide variety of artworks by artists from Japan and abroad in a variety of media and styles, including sculpture, installation art, and performance art. Artworks include sculpture, installation art, and performance art.
  • Access to the islands: The Festival offers excellent access to the islands, with regularly scheduled and specially chartered boats. This allows visitors to tour the various islands and enjoy the art and nature.
  • Three Areas: The Art Festival is divided into three main areas: Teshima, Naoshima, and Shodoshima. Each area features different artworks and events.

The Setouchi Triennale is held every few years and offers visitors an art experience that is not confined to the walls of museums and galleries.



Japan's Traditional Industries
= Craftmen × Artists

Japan's natural environment provides beautiful landscapes and abundant resources throughout the changing seasons, greatly influencing the materials and designs of traditional industries. For example, stones, woods, bamboo, hemp, silk, and more are directly sourced from Japan's nature, creating crafts and artworks that highlight the unique characteristics and textures of these materials.
Furthermore, Japan's traditional industries boast a long history and deep cultural background, with each region developing its own techniques and styles that have integrated with influences from artists worldwide. These crafts are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans whose expertise is honed through years of training and experience. Examples include Aji stone products and their processing techniques, Kagawa lacquerware, Sanuki Itto-bori carving, and Sanuki lanterns, each representing distinct crafts within Kagawa Prefecture.
Traditional crafts and their techniques hold value beyond mere artistic expression, reflecting Japan's history, culture, and deep connection with the natural environment. Moreover, the production processes of these crafts often prioritize sustainability, serving as exemplary models for balancing the conservation and utilization of natural resources.
Therefore, crafts that combine Japan's natural resources with artisanal skills are not only cultural heritage but also crucial elements for regional economies, tourism industries, and the advancement of art. It is essential to continue cherishing and preserving them for the future.



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