

Harmony of art and architecture,
the breath of history, it all comes together here.


There are many sightseeing spots around Onyado Takayanagi that are worth seeing from various perspectives such as art, architecture, and history. Here we will introduce nearby tourist spots. We can also produce original tours upon request.

  • 八栗寺



    Located in Mure-cho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Yakuriji is the 85th temple of the Daikakuji School of Shingon Buddhism and the 85th temple on Shikoku 88 pilgrimage. Famous as the site of the ancient battle of Genpei Yashima, the temple is located on the slopes of Mount Goken in the Setonaikai National Park. The temple has a hall dedicated to Sho-Kannon Bosatsu, a gomado, a sutra chanting room, a Jizo hall, a pagoda, a bell tower, a temple bell, and a welcoming stone image of Kukai. 30 minute walk.

  • 石匠の里公園


    Sekisyo no Sato Park

    The Mure Sekisyo no Sato park is also a stone folklore museum located in the town of Mure. This facility introduces the skills and wisdom of stonemasons, as well as the culture and history of stone. In addition, stone carvings are displayed in the Sekisyo no Sato Park in front of the facility, a place of relaxation for residents, and an observation deck overlooking Yashima and the town of Takamatsu. 1 minute walk.

  • イサムノグチ庭園美術館

    イサム・ノグチは、1904年にアメリカ合衆国ロサンゼルスで生まれた彫刻家、造園家、作庭家、インテリアデザイナー、舞台芸術家です。彼は日系アメリカ人であり、日本名は野口勇(のぐち いさむ)です。ノグチは、石や木材、金属などの素材を使って、美しい彫刻作品を制作しました。また、彼は庭園や公園の設計も手がけ、その作品は世界中で高く評価されています。ノグチは、1988年にニューヨーク市で亡くなりました。徒歩15分

    Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum

    Isamu Noguchi was a sculptor, landscape architect, gardener, interior designer, and stage artist born in Los Angeles, USA in 1904. He was a Japanese-American whose Japanese name was Isamu Noguchi. Noguchi created beautiful sculptures using materials such as stone, wood, and metal. He also designed gardens and parks, and his work is highly regarded throughout the world. Noguchi died in New York City in 1988. 15-minute walk

  • ジョージナカシマ記念館

    「ジョージナカシマ記念館」は、香川県高松市牟礼町に位置する記念館で、家具デザイナーのジョージ・ナカシマの生き方や、ものづくりに対する考え方、哲学を、作品を通じて公開する目的で開設されました。 記念館には、日本とアメリカ双方で製作された約60点の作品を所蔵し、ナカシマの生い立ちをたどる貴重な写真や手紙、ドローイングとともに展示しています。 記念館の建物は木造地上2階で、展示面積は約300平方メートルです。 記念館の営業時間は、月曜日から土曜日までの毎日10:00から17:00までで、日曜日・祝日・お盆・年末年始は休館日です。

    George Nakashima Memorial Hall

    George Nakashima Memorial Hall, located in Mure-cho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, was established to showcase furniture designer George Nakashima's life, philosophy, and approach to manufacturing through his works. The museum's collection includes approximately 60 pieces produced in both Japan and the U.S., along with rare photographs, letters, and drawings tracing Nakashima's life. The museum is a two-story wooden building with an exhibition area of approximately 300 square meters. The museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00 daily, Monday through Saturday, and closed on Sundays, national holidays, Obon holidays, and New Year's holidays.

  • 道の駅源平の里牟礼

    「道の駅 源平の里 むれ」は、香川県高松市牟礼町に位置する道の駅で、源平屋島合戦の古戦場として有名な場所にあります。この道の駅には、海を望む風光明媚な土地柄で、景色はもちろん、お食事、お買い物も楽しめます。また、道の駅に隣接する高松市立房前公園は、小豆島が見渡せる絶景に加え、公園内には「ことでん」展示車両や遊具、アスレチックもあり、大人からお子さんまで、みなさんで楽しんでいただける公園です。道の駅「源平の里むれ」の営業時間は、月曜日から日曜日までの毎日9:00から17:00まで。定休日第1・3水曜日

    Roadside Station: Genpei-no-Sato Mure

    Roadside Station: Genpei-no-Sato Mure is located in Mure-cho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, and is famous as the old battlefield of the Genpei-Yashima Battle. This roadside station has a scenic view of the sea, and visitors can enjoy the scenery as well as dining and shopping. In addition, Takamatsu Municipal Fusazaki Park adjacent to the roadside station offers a spectacular view of Shodoshima Island, as well as "Kotoden" display train cars, playground equipment, and athletic facilities in the park for everyone to enjoy, from adults to children. Michi no Eki "Genpei no Sato Mure" is open from 9:00 to 17:00 daily from Monday to Sunday. Closed on the first and third wednesday of each month.

  • あじ竜王山公園


    Aji Ryuouzan Park

    Aji Ryuouzan Park is located in Aji-cho, Takamatsu City. The park features an observatory that also serves as an artwork for the Setouchi International Art Festival, various sculptures that blend into the Seto landscape, and a merger memorial plaza surrounded by beautiful nature. The park entrance gates are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from May to October and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from November to April. The park is closed on Tuesdays and during the year-end and New Year holidays, but visitors on foot may enter at any time.

  • 屋島

    「屋島」は、香川県高松市の北東部に位置する、硬質の溶岩に覆われた平坦面が侵食された残丘で、南北に長い台地状の地形です。 屋島は、瀬戸内海を見渡す絶景や豊かな自然のほか、源平合戦の古戦場や屋嶋城跡など歴史的みどころも多い、国指定の史跡・天然記念物です。 屋島の全体の大きさは南北に約5km、東西に約2kmで、南嶺の標高は292m、北嶺の標高は282m、平坦な頂面の周囲に急な崖を持つ典型的なメサの地形であり、開析溶岩台地です。 屋島は、360度の展望に恵まれて、山陽小野田市、宇部市の市街地はもとより、関門橋や四国、九州、国東半島が一望できます。


    Located in the northeastern part of Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Yashima is a long, north-south plateau-like terrain of eroded flat surfaces covered with hard lava. Yashima is a nationally designated historic site and natural monument with spectacular views over the Seto Inland Sea and abundant nature, as well as many historical attractions such as the ancient battlefield of the Genpei War and the ruins of Yashima Castle. The overall size of Yashima is approximately 5 km from north to south and 2 km from east to west. The elevation of the southern ridge is 292 m and that of the northern ridge is 282 m. It is a typical mesa topography with steep cliffs around its flat top, and is an open lava plateau. Yashima Island is blessed with a 360-degree panoramic view of not only the urban areas of Sanyo-Onoda and Ube, but also Kanmon Bridge, Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Kunisaki Peninsula.

  • 四国村ミウゼアム

    「四国村ミウゼアム」は、屋島山麓に位置する野外博物館で、約5万㎡の敷地に四国地方を中心とする伝統的な古民家や歴史的建造物33棟を移築復原しています。 この博物館には、江戸時代から大正時代に建てられた住宅や作業小屋、寄合い所、芝居小屋、米倉、醤油醸造所などがあり、いずれも実際に人が住み、使ってきたものです。また、四国村ミウゼアムには、安藤忠雄氏設計の「四国村ギャラリー」や、古民家を改築したうどん店「四国村わら家」、神戸の異人館だった「四国村カフェ」など、多様な魅力を持つスポットが点在しています。

    Shikoku-Mura Museam

    Shikoku-mura Museam is an open-air museum located at the foot of Mt. Yashima. 33 traditional old private houses and historical buildings mainly from the Shikoku region have been relocated and restored on a 50,000 ㎡ site. The museum includes houses, workhouses, meeting place, playhouses, rice granaries, and soy sauce breweries built from the Edo period to the Taisho period, all of which have been actually lived in and used by people. The Shikoku-mura Museum is also dotted with spots with diverse attractions, such as the Shikoku-mura Gallery designed by Tadao Ando, the Shikoku-mura Waraya, an udon store converted from an old private house, and the Shikoku-mura Cafe, which used to be an ijinkan in Kobe.

  • 香川県庁舎


    Kagawa Prefectural Government Office

    The Kagawa Prefectural Government office is the administrative building of Kagawa Prefecture, located in Bancho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, and consists of the Main Building, East Wing, North Wing, Assembly Hall, Tenjinmae Branch Building, and Police Headquarters Building. The Main Building, East Wing, and Police Headquarters Building were designed by architect Kenzo Tange. The main building is a steel-framed structure with 22 stories above ground and 2 below, with a top height of 113 meters, and a total floor area of approximately 41,464 square meters. The observation deck on the 21st floor offers a 360-degree view of the city. The East Wing, with eight floors above ground and a height of 43 meters, is considered one of Tange's masterpieces. The Kagawa Prefectural Office Building is open daily from 8:30 to 17:15, Monday to Friday, and admission is free.

  • 船の体育館

    「船の体育館」は、香川県高松市にある旧香川県立体育館の愛称で、世界的建築家の丹下健三氏によって設計された建物です。1964年に完成し、屋根の両端が曲線を描き、和船を連想させる外観から「船の体育館」と呼ばれています。 この建物は、香川県が所有していましたが、老朽化により2014年に閉鎖され、解体の危機に瀕しています。 一方で、建物を保存するための活動も行われており、船の体育館再生の会が設立され、署名活動や募金活動が行われています。ぜひ建物の美しさをご覧ください。

    Ship's Gymnasium

    The Ship's Gymnasium is the nickname for the former Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, designed by world-renowned architect Kenzo Tange. completed in 1964, the building is called the "Ship's Gymnasium" because of the curved ends of its roof, which remind one of a Japanese-style boat. The building was owned by Kagawa Prefecture, but is in danger of being closed and demolished in 2014 due to its age. On the other hand, activities are underway to preserve the building, and the Association for the Revival of the Ship's Gymnasium has been established, with signature drives and fundraising activities underway. Please come and see the beauty of the building.

  • 丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館


    Marugame Guenichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art

    The Marugame Guenichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art (MIMOCA) is located in Marugame City, Kagawa Prefecture. The museum houses approximately 20,000 works by Guenichiro Inokuma. Born in Kagawa Prefecture in 1902, Inokuma attended the Tokyo Fine Arts School (now Tokyo University of the Arts) and later worked internationally, including in Paris and New York. The museum features a permanent exhibition of Inokuma's works and hosts special exhibitions focusing on contemporary art. The building itself was designed by the world-renowned architect Yoshio Taniguchi.

  • 直島

    「直島」は、香川県の直島町に位置する島で、瀬戸内海に浮かぶ美しい島として知られています。 この島は、現代アートの島としても有名で、多くの美術館やアート作品が点在しています。 また、直島には、美しい海や自然、歴史的建造物など、多くの観光スポットがあります。


    Naoshima is located in the town of Naoshima in Kagawa Prefecture and is known as a beautiful island in the Seto Inland Sea. The island is also famous as an island of contemporary art, and is dotted with many museums and artworks. In addition, Naoshima offers many tourist attractions such as beautiful sea, nature, and historical buildings.

  • 志度カントリークラブ


    Shido Country Club

    Seaside Course: Most holes offer panoramic views of the Seto Inland Sea and Shodoshima. The East Course features some undulations. The West Course has gentle slopes, wide fairways, and a grand scale, with stunning surrounding scenery. The Central Course provides a beautiful panorama of the Seto Inland Sea, with moderate undulations, though the fairways slope.
    About 30 minutes by car

  • 高松グランドカントリークラブ


    Takamatsu Grand Country Club

    One of the Sanuki Hundred Views, "Dakeyama," offers a panoramic view of the verdant Sanuki Plain, the scenic "Yashima," and the cityscape of Takamatsu. The meticulously maintained 36-hole course, comprising the Hikami and Kaniwa courses, was masterfully designed by the renowned Japanese golf course architect Seizo Tomizawa. This champion course in Kagawa allows you to fully enjoy the grandeur and subtle beauty of Kagawa and the thrilling strategic challenges of the course.
    About 35 minutes by car

  • 屋島カントリークラブ

    トリッキーなホールもかなりあり、変化のあるレイアウト。フェアウェイはアップダウンがあり、あまり広くないので、ショットには正確性が求められる。 またフラットなラインが少ないので、ボールラインの変化に応じられる技術も要求される。バンカーは浅く、数も少ない。グリーンのアンジュレーションも少ないのでパットは楽。

    Yashima Country Club

    Mountain course. Located on a hill overlooking Shido Bay and Yashima, the view is magnificent. The layout is varied, with many tricky holes. The fairways have ups and downs and are not very wide, so accurate shots are required. There are also few flat lies, so skills to adapt to changes in the ball's line are necessary. The bunkers are shallow and few in number. The greens have little undulation, making putting easier.
    About 20 minutes by car



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